Placer Mining Claims For Sale

Schneider Creek

Lucky Schneider #1 - #4

Lucky Schneider #1 - #4
Placer Mining Claim

±220 Acres

Price: $20,000

Schneider Creek drains a large plateau of Tertiary gravels that forms the divide between the North and Middle Forks of the Feather River. The Rich Bar Fault, the western boundary of the Feather River Serpentine Unit, cuts through Schneider Creek at the junction between the East Branch and the main branch and extends up the East Branch. Both the fault, the serpentine and the meta-sedimentary rocks adjacent to the fault are noted for rich pockets of gold.

The gold is bright and plentiful! It is both rounded (Tertiary gravel source) and chunky (nearby bedrock source).

  • Excellent camping on the claim.
  • 2wd access to most of the claim. Quad or jeep to rest of claim.
  • Easy access to creek at road; slight hike up or down drainage from there.
  • Local gravels on bedrock.
  • Small to moderate gravel bars.
  • Some remnant terraces.
  • Tree roots & grass clumps, downed trees, logs, etc.
  • Medium to shallow water.
  • Mining level: Recreational to intermediate.
  • Quiet and safe area; very beautiful.
  • Great fishing and nearby boating.
  • Children and senior friendly - fun for all!
  • Nearest store: Meadow Valley General Store (few amenities but cute). Quincy is eight miles east of Meadow Valley.

The East Branch of Schneider creek runs all year. There are a number of gravel bars, pools and ledges that will provide many opportunities. Notice the the creek flows on bedrock in many of the photos. The snow usually melts off in early June.

High bankers will have a field day with all the opportunities adjacent to the creek. The pools are relatively shallow and air is not required to reach the bedrock. Hence, the required prospecting skills are recreation to intermediate. Advanced miners who like to tackle the smaller creeks will equally enjoy this claim's abundant opportunities, especially with all the bedrock exposures!

There is good access to the creek from Schneider Creek road. There is a poor trail that leads up the East Branch, which means few people have worked this area.

Miners and prospectors will have a life-time of opportunities before this claim is played out. This spot is one of a kinda and you will want to add this claim to your portfolio.

Click here Google Earth Fly To to see an ariel photo of Schneider's Haven and its claim boundaries.

Estimated GPS Coordinates:

Schneider Creek @ Northeast Corner Boundary:
39.92407° N
121.06154° W
3797 ft.
Meadow Valley Creek @ Northwest Corner Boundary:
39.92407° N
121.06401° W
3792 ft.
Schneider Creek @ Southwest Corner Boundary:
39.91689° N
121.06135° W
3944 ft.

Standard Information
The Location Notice for the Schneider's Haven placer mining claim has been recorded at the Plumas County Recorder's Office (see registered number above) and the Bureau of Land Management ferderal mining claim number is pending. It is a non-patented federal mining claim. Fees are current for 2014 and you will need to file appropriate paperwork to hold the property every year thereafter. Annual tax assessment on the property is approximately $1.12/acre.

BLM Fees & Advanced Geologic Transfer Fees

Upon payment, the mineral claim will be transferred via a notarized Quitclaim notice filed in your name with Plumas County and the BLM. Limited payment terms and conditions are available; information available on request.

Advanced Geologic has an exceptional automatic claim notice filing system that will maintain your annual filings for any claim in the United States. Advanced Geologic reminds you that you MUST file annual notices with both the county in which the claim is located AND with the Bureau of Land Management by the appropriate dates. There are NO exceptions and errors will lead to the loss of your claim! Are your claims filed correctly?

Advanced Geologic is a professional geologic consulting firm located in Chester, California. We not only sell quality mining claims, but we also help people work their claims. Our experience in resource evaluations, compliance and permitting and claim portfolio management allows our clients and buyers to go for the GOLD.

Interested? Send us an email or call.

Pictures to be added shortly!!