Gold Exploration | ||||||||||||
Jamison Creek Advanced Geologic has three placer mining claims for sale on Jamison Creek. Click below on the desired link!
Our East Nelson Placer, Jamison Reserve and Jamison Whiskey Placer Claims are all located in the Johnsville Mining District that is located in south-central Geology- A variety of different rocks make up this area, including slate, schist, quartzite, limestone, metadacite, quartz porphyry and greenstone. Much of the central portion of the area is covered with glacial detritus. A number of patches of Tertiary gravels yielded gold in the early days. There are a number of north and northwest-trending quartz veins and several wide complex systems of quartz veins. The individual veins usually are only a few feet thick. The veins contain free gold and often abundant pyrite and varying amounts of galena, chalcopyrite, and arsenopyrite. Milling-grade ore contained from a few dollars to more than one ounce per gold ton. Work Cited: “Gold Districts of Out of your price range? Make us an offer. Want more than one? Got GOLD fever yet? |