Placer Mining Claims For Sale

Exploration Services

The Rifleman


Lone Ranger


The Rifleman
Placer Mining Claim

±40 Acres

BLM CAMC #Pending
Plumas County Records #2014-0002073

Price: $4,000

Location: The Granite Basin gold district straddles the Butte-Plumas County line about 30 miles northwest of Oroville and 30 miles west southwest of Quincy. It includes the Buckeye, Gold Lake, Milsap Bar, Soapstone Hill, and Merrimac areas. The area was placer mined during and after the gold rush. There was some lode mining here in the 1930s, and there has been minor prospecting since.

Geology: Several granitic stocks are intrusive into slate, quartzite and limestone of the Calaveras Formation (Carboniferous to Permian) and amphibolite. Exfoliation has formed several round granitic domes, of which Bald Rock is the most prominent. Serpentine, soem Tertiary basalt and a few patches of Tertiary auriferous gravel are present. The quartz veins usually occur in the granite. The veins are narrow, but the ore bodies often rich. Pyrite and galena are abundant.

Work Cited: “Gold Districts of California” Edition 193. William B. Clark. 1998

Some of the amenities are:

  • 2wd access after snow melts (April-May).
  • Short easy walk to creek.
  • 2 nice campsites at main road/motorhome accessible.
  • Local gravels on bedrock.
  • Abundant, thick older gravel deposits.
  • Tree roots & grass clumps, downed trees, logs, etc.
  • Medium to shallow water.
  • Mining level: Recreational to intermediate.
  • Quiet and safe area; very beautiful.
  • Children and senior friendly - fun for all!
  • Nearest town is Meadow Valley. Small general store.
  • Quincy is 20 miles. Food, lodging and gasoline facilities available.
  • Bucks Lake nearby with food, lodging, and water recreation.

Claim Georeferences

SW 1/4, NE 1/4, SW 1/4
Sec. 24
T 23N
R 7E
NW1/4, SE 1/4, SW 1/4
Sec. 24
T 23N
R 7E
N 1/2, SW 1/4, SW 1/4
Sec. 24
T 23N
R 7E

Click here Google Earth Fly To and see an aerial photo of the The Rifleman and the claim boundries.

Google map it for directions to claim.
Pinpoint on USF Road 23N50 @ Southern portion claim.

Estimated GPS Coordinates:
Datum: NAD 27; Decimal Degrees

Northeast Corner Boundary:
39.83042° N
121.14760° W
5268 ft.
Willow Creek @ Western Boundary:
39.82769° N
121.15456° W
55135 ft.
USF Road 23N50 @ Southeastern Boundary:
39.82759° N
121.14741° W
5348 ft.
Southwest Corner Boundary:
39.82676° N
121.15462° W
5164 ft.
Southeast Corner Boundary:
39.82671° N
121.14734° W
5457 ft.

Standard Information
The Location Notice for the The Rifleman placer mining claim has been recorded at the Plumas County Recorder's Office (see registered number above) and the Bureau of Land Management ferderal mining claim number is pending. It is a non-patented federal mining claim. Fees are current for 2015 and you will need to file appropriate paperwork to hold the property every year thereafter. Annual tax assessment on the property is approximately $1.12 an acre.

BLM Fees & Advanced Geologic Transfer Fees

Upon payment, the mineral claim will be transferred via a notarized Quitclaim notice filed in your name with Plumas County and the BLM. Limited payment terms and conditions are available; information available on request.

Advanced Geologic has an exceptional annual claim paperwork filing service that will maintain your annual filings for any claim in the United States. Advanced Geologic reminds you that you MUST file annual notices with both the county in which the claim is located AND with the Bureau of Land Management by the appropriate dates. There are NO exceptions and errors will lead to the loss of your claim! Are your claims filed correctly?

Advanced Geologic is a professional geologic consulting firm located in Chester, California. We not only sell quality mining claims, but we also help people work their claims. Our experience in resource evaluations, compliance and permitting and claim portfolio management allows our clients and buyers to go for the GOLD.

Interested? Send us an email or call.