Rock Creek is one of the richest creeks in the Meadow Valley Mining District!!
Our Rock Creek Placer Mining Claims are located in the Sawpit Flat Mining District. This is an extensive gold-bearing region in southern Plumas County bordering the Quincy, Meadow Valley and Gibsonville districts. The region was extensively mined during the early days and has been intermittently prospected since then.
Geology- The eastern side of the district is underlain by slate, schist, and quartzrite of the Calaveras Formation. There are also several limestone lenses. To the west the district is underlain by serpentine and amphibolite. The Tertiary gravels are largely quartz-rich and in some places very rich in gold. A number of gold quartz veins are in the district, some of which are part of a vein system that extends along the contact zone between serpentine, schist and slate.
Work Cited: “Gold Districts of California” Edition 193. William B. Clark. 1998
Out of your price range? Make us an offer. Want more than one? Got GOLD fever?

Rock Creek, Rock Hard