"1" AGE, Claims For Sale, Plumas County, Ram Creek
Mining Claims For Sale

Ram Creek
Placer Mining Claims
Plumas County

Advanced Geologic has one placer mining claim for sale on Ram Creek. Please see the following links for specific information.

These are federal mining claims and the minerals are protected by law. ALL mining activity on these claims is prohibited unless permission is obtained from Advanced Geologic Exploration. Any individual unlawfully mining on legally staked claims will be violating federal mining laws.

Bighorn Run - 80 acres

Our Bighorn Run placer claim is located on Ram Creek, in the Yankee Hill Gold District. This district is in the east central Butte County about 15 miles northeast of Oroville. It is fairly extensive and includes the Concow and Big Bend areas. This area was first worked during the Gold Rush, where much of the gold was recovered in the North Fork of the Feather River. A number of quartz veins contain some free gold and often times, abundant sulfides, especially chalcopyrite.

(Click on the link to Bighorn Run to learn more information on this district.)

Work Cited: “Gold Districts of California” Edition 193. William B. Clark. 1998

Out of your price range? Make us an offer. Want more than one? Got GOLD fever yet?